Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A specialist in perfumes of London

Every smell is a small universe for Florian. It is a complexity that it deciphers to the perfection. It distinguishes the components, the tones. It perceives an evolution, a few tonalities. He smells every day in one of the most delightful perfumeries of London. On having come to house, his emulation does not stop: in his room it has a small bottles museum. Even, walking on the street, if olisquea something new, he asks the one who should be of what it is a question. He dreams in, some day, of being able to create its own perfumes. It will not stop up to obtaining it. The only one of the European Union of the 25!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Shunt

The best thing of a blog writes the recommendations are that you make me come. One of most perfected lately has been a Pillar. He said to me that it should go to The Shunt, a bar - teatro-espacio of experimental art placed under ground, in a few underground galleries of the London Bridge. I him paid attention blindly and I loved. If you visit London, it is a good place to go out night. There are 10 pounds the entry: but it is deserved! Central, special and, every night, turned into a different world. Open sea, in principle: until December only!

International Rúsia

1. It is necessary to begin for 'Kiss me very much' Russian.

2. Versionando to 'Let it be' of the Beatles... There is worse...

3. Poor Depeche Mode also...

4. Military Pop... And the Kalinka sung by men and women?

5. And of dessert, the Vitas screeches. I found his discs in China!

Streaming Til Death S04E21 The Wedding free

Friday, March 19, 2010

In Russia without Russian knowledge

Russia is the last country of this trip and, curiously, where more difficult meeting to communicate. To think is complicated someone that he speaks something in addition to Russian. English is absent in places like the meter or the train station. The first days are the most difficult.

But one espabila. To buy a train ticket, a good idea is to bring to him prepared from house a bit of paper where he says, in Cyrillic, what one wants.

Once obtained, it is necessary to find the window where they sell the tickets. To do the tail, to hope that everything should go out well and, later, to discover the route of the train...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A future Russian cosmonaut

Tatyana wants to be a cosmonaut. Now he studies to be a pilot in the principal school of Russian aviation in Moscow. They have airport to practise and quite! I like that the last conversation of the 25 has been on the space, the future and, again, of the sleep that we have many people of our age. On having extinguished the tape recorder, I have realized that, now if, the way back starts to house.

10 random ideas of Moscow

1. I have learned some words: Kacca = Box

2. The couples hang padlocks on the bridges as a token of love

3. I have found a dromedary in full Moscow, so that the people were doing photos to herself

4. Also you can do photos to yourself with Lenin and Stalin

5. Or Homer Simpson... it does not matter...

6. But skylight, if there is matrioskas of Obama...

7. Of course. The meter is so nice as they say...

8. And they always seem so serious...

9. I suppose that they are not perfect...

10. But they can spend it to themselves well...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

10 Russian culinary curiosities

1. Yes, also they came from the hamburgesas...

2. Although now the sushi is fashionable...

3. Also his native McDonald's exists...

4. And the crepes with caviar are very successful...

5. Or potato + butter + cheese / bed + what is

6. There are more difficult things as this dry bread to accompany the beer:

7. And, although it has drunk local without alcohol...

8... and there could be bought Samovars of the Soviet epoch...

9... the alcohol abounds. There is gintónic tinned and size XL

10. Although the only ones that they surprise are not the Russians. A few Germans of the cheap hotel were bringing tinned hamburger and gintónic in on (if, the dust is mixed with water... and: voilà!)

How would you like that it was the book?

The trip ended! After one year traveling to obtain these 25 interviews to 25 young people of my age I am already again in Manresa! I have the gravadora with hours and hours of conversations, the head full of adventures, the emotion flush with skin... and I...: I already have 26!
The above mentioned weeks have been strange. The head it me has turned of the normal thing. Auqnue was already wanting to return!
Now this blog begins another phase. It will stop being updated every day. All the energies will go to write a book. And to find a publishing house. If there are innovations, punctually, I will report.
If you have ideas, dishonest proposals or requests, you can write to me a mail. He would recommend to you to sign up the group of Facebook, and this way I have you informed! While, so much if you have continued the adventure as if you finish of discovering it today, I would like asking you: How would you like that it was the book? How do you imagine it? What would you like reading? Would it be necessary to title "The return of the 25"?
Thanks for the company!:-*

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The crown of rice and other things

It has been a few days since I landed already and he had not written yet anything. I have been a little caused to collapse. Since I came to house and my mother did this rice crown to me, everything has been a madness.
Calls, reunions, hugs, proposals, conversations. Enclosed I stayed another day with a Portuguese visit journalist to Barcelona that this blog continued from the first day.
It has been a great pleasure to read your post office and, especially, the ideas on how it should be the book. They serve to me to go forward! I still wait more!
In spite of everything, resituarme it is costing me more of the due thing and there are the people whom I love very much and whom I could not have seen yet.
Everything is in movement and, also, this blog is a finalist in Premis Blocs in Catalan and in the '20 minutes' in the category 'Original Version'. thank you again!!! To see what will happen!

Better blog personnel of the year!

Thanks for considering Lavueltadelos25, in his version in Catalan, the best personal blog of the year in Premis Blocs Catalunya! It is a pride knowing that this was the category with more competition! There were more than 200 candidates... and some brilliant! It has been a pleasure to chat with the finalists that I have met in Vic. I have been of the last ones to go away and, nevertheless, I was remaining the people for greeting. Congratulations to the whole world!

Monday, March 15, 2010

10 webs to turn to the world

These days I am centred on writing the book. Today I have received the last translation that I was lacking. It was the interview with the future Russian cosmonaut and a crack has helped me, Natàlia Boronat (thank you!). I am receiving also very nice post office of the people who wants to do a similar trip and asks me for advice. For all of you, 10 webs to bear in mind:
1. Xe. The most rapid knowledge way when it costs every currency
2. Hostelworld + Couchsurfing. Economic / free accommodation
3. Attitude Travel. Last hour of the low cost
4. How to call abroad + Skype + call payed by addressee
5. Budget calculator. Budget estimate. There is the one who says that round 10.000 dollars it is possible to travel one year!
6. Round the world ticket. One of many options...
7. Google. It is where it had my scanned papers, he was looking in blogs and was translating webs writings in strange languages.
8. Worldclock. To know the hour of every country
9. Thorn Tree travel forum. One of many travelers' forums, along with gathered in viajes.com.ar Blog for my friend Gobbi
10. Experts: Lavueltalmundo + Canudas + Mundoporlibre...
What would you add?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Where can I buy a unicorn?

These days I am employed intensively with at the material compiled during this year of investigation, trying to give him the best form. To the one that it has publishing or more information I you will communicate it. Y...: this web, although already not the actualize every day, is still very alive!
1. There are many people who puts strange things in Google and who lands here by chance. The statistics indicate that there are the people who finds me on having looked for "flavors of ice creams", "Philippine roosters", "the worst music of the world" or "fried chandelier". Such a which.
2. The countries com more 'clicks' are: South Africa, Japan and India.
3. I can already say that the strangest comment has come to me. Is it the following one: "... please where dog I buy to unicorn?". As I have seen in Google, there is some robot that writes this question in thousands of different webs. What a mystery! Will it be a secret marketing campaign? Can anybody answer to the question? In Italy they found one one year ago...

Happy 2010!

The time happens and I am writing to myself route mail with some of 25 young people to re-ask, to limit, to greet... I am thinking of adding a chapter at the end of the book telling how they have advancing his histories since I knew them.
What seems to you?
For example, Lee So Eun (South Korea) leaves the music to study Right in the United States; Sam (Australia) opens new restaurants, and Arthrolith, (Vietnam) new clothes shops; Banti (India) married; Primrose (Zimbabwe) has published his first book; Florian (England) has left the perfumery; Juanita, (Colombia) the radio, and So Wa-wai (Hong Kong) has recorded this announcement...

Everything is in movimento! Happy 2010!

128.813 words

This weekend is special. I have assembled for the first time 27 documents of text that it had written (25 countries + 2 extra chapters) in one of only. It has impressed me to realize that it adds up... 128.813 words. Or, what there is the same, 238 pages with a size letter 11. Too much? Too many little? I hope that they should become short!
Now only I can only (re-re) check them and come to some agreement with a publisher.
These days also I am revising the photographic file to recall some real scenes. There are photos that are nicer than the memories that I preserve. Also I have memories impossible to photograph.
There are some technical ties. He remembered Harare (Zimbabwe) intensely violet. It seems to me that there is no another city in the world with a few so nice jacarandas. I was lucky to tread on the city at the moment when they were more resplendent. Now I have checked the photos and have found, really, a few images of postcard, beautiful. I have got excited a little.

P.D. Certainly: do you want to leave everything and travel? Sign up to the meeting of February 4 in the bookstore Altaïr (Big Route Corts Catalanes, 616) of Barcelona

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Does he behave for the right or for the left?

Now when a few days of the trip have happened, I realize that some memories are begun mixing. For example, I doubt on having remembered the countries of the world in which he behaves for the right and in which he behaves for the left. Luck that the Wikipedia knows everything...


If it was going out or the book was going out published and they will ask me or were asking what authors have influenced me, in that moment he would not know what to answer. The list is infinite! What I can assure is that the books that have accompanied me during the trip and that now, in the writing phase, have been to my edge have been the guidebooks. They come to me to the waist!
Certainly, this week I took part in a chat in the bookstore Altaïr of Barcelona and...: it overflew of the people! I recommend the summary of Eddy de Destinos Actuales. Thanks to all! Also to Viatge365 and Route Baobab.

Friday, March 12, 2010

103.749 words

At the beginning of month, I printed for the first time everything what he had written because he was thinking that it already had it. But I still see that I have left many things for polishing. I am every day revising the text. From 128.813 words I have happened to 103.749. I say the same, but without bends, with more direct phrases, eliminating repetitions, defining better the stages and the actions... I want that the book is well written, although with that he does not go so far as to publish it by San Jorge. Perhaps the fact is that I like keeping on traveling, now without moving me of house, sometimes with the music of Love of Lesbian...