Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A specialist in perfumes of London

Every smell is a small universe for Florian. It is a complexity that it deciphers to the perfection. It distinguishes the components, the tones. It perceives an evolution, a few tonalities. He smells every day in one of the most delightful perfumeries of London. On having come to house, his emulation does not stop: in his room it has a small bottles museum. Even, walking on the street, if olisquea something new, he asks the one who should be of what it is a question. He dreams in, some day, of being able to create its own perfumes. It will not stop up to obtaining it. The only one of the European Union of the 25!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Shunt

The best thing of a blog writes the recommendations are that you make me come. One of most perfected lately has been a Pillar. He said to me that it should go to The Shunt, a bar - teatro-espacio of experimental art placed under ground, in a few underground galleries of the London Bridge. I him paid attention blindly and I loved. If you visit London, it is a good place to go out night. There are 10 pounds the entry: but it is deserved! Central, special and, every night, turned into a different world. Open sea, in principle: until December only!

International Rúsia

1. It is necessary to begin for 'Kiss me very much' Russian.

2. Versionando to 'Let it be' of the Beatles... There is worse...

3. Poor Depeche Mode also...

4. Military Pop... And the Kalinka sung by men and women?

5. And of dessert, the Vitas screeches. I found his discs in China!

Streaming Til Death S04E21 The Wedding free

Friday, March 19, 2010

In Russia without Russian knowledge

Russia is the last country of this trip and, curiously, where more difficult meeting to communicate. To think is complicated someone that he speaks something in addition to Russian. English is absent in places like the meter or the train station. The first days are the most difficult.

But one espabila. To buy a train ticket, a good idea is to bring to him prepared from house a bit of paper where he says, in Cyrillic, what one wants.

Once obtained, it is necessary to find the window where they sell the tickets. To do the tail, to hope that everything should go out well and, later, to discover the route of the train...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A future Russian cosmonaut

Tatyana wants to be a cosmonaut. Now he studies to be a pilot in the principal school of Russian aviation in Moscow. They have airport to practise and quite! I like that the last conversation of the 25 has been on the space, the future and, again, of the sleep that we have many people of our age. On having extinguished the tape recorder, I have realized that, now if, the way back starts to house.

10 random ideas of Moscow

1. I have learned some words: Kacca = Box

2. The couples hang padlocks on the bridges as a token of love

3. I have found a dromedary in full Moscow, so that the people were doing photos to herself

4. Also you can do photos to yourself with Lenin and Stalin

5. Or Homer Simpson... it does not matter...

6. But skylight, if there is matrioskas of Obama...

7. Of course. The meter is so nice as they say...

8. And they always seem so serious...

9. I suppose that they are not perfect...

10. But they can spend it to themselves well...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

10 Russian culinary curiosities

1. Yes, also they came from the hamburgesas...

2. Although now the sushi is fashionable...

3. Also his native McDonald's exists...

4. And the crepes with caviar are very successful...

5. Or potato + butter + cheese / bed + what is

6. There are more difficult things as this dry bread to accompany the beer:

7. And, although it has drunk local without alcohol...

8... and there could be bought Samovars of the Soviet epoch...

9... the alcohol abounds. There is gintónic tinned and size XL

10. Although the only ones that they surprise are not the Russians. A few Germans of the cheap hotel were bringing tinned hamburger and gintónic in on (if, the dust is mixed with water... and: voilà!)